When you practice proper oral hygiene and attend regular dental visits, dental problems remain at bay. This is because brushing and flossing the teeth on daily basis can eliminate the root cause of dental problems. Unfortunately, oral problems are inevitable. These problems exist or transpire even to those individuals who execute the right dental hygiene. Call our emergency dentist to get to check yourself for burning mouth syndrome.
In addition to TMJ, gum disease, oral cancer or any problems related to your mouth, burning mouth syndrome is among the most popular oral problems nowadays. This problem affects anyone but mostly to middle-aged individuals and older women. Burning mouth syndrome can be noticed when you feel like your mouth is on fire. This is the primary explanation why most inflicted individuals encounter a scalding sensation. From the word itself, burning mouth syndrome comes with a tingling sensation in the mouth. In most cases, this problem affects the tongue, roof, cheeks, throat and gums.
There are different signs and symptoms of burning mouth syndrome. These are dry mouth, numbness, mouth soreness, metallic or bitter taste. Apart from experiencing extreme discomfort, patients with burning mouth syndrome also suffer from sleeping problems and depression, as per stated by experts.
With this, what triggers burning mouth syndrome?
Widely known as burning tongue syndrome, BMS is a complicated dental problem which could exist in different factors like:
Dental Problems – Based on research, mouth-related disorders are among the great contributors of burning mouth syndrome. These are named as dry mouth, Sjogren’s syndrome, oral thrush or any disease which causes dryness and mouth flare-up.
Hormonal Changes – Hormonal imbalance exists on women especially when they’re on their menopausal period. This predicament affects the saliva production of the mouth which causes dry mouth (contributor of BMS).
Diseases and Medical Conditions – BMS can cause tingling or scalding sensation which may result to diabetes or thyroid disease.
Lack of Vitamins – Vitamins can help the body perfectly healthy, averting it from any health-related problems. If you lack any of its nutrients like zinc and iron, there’s a huge chance that you might be affected from burning mouth syndrome.
Prescribed Medications – Medications and treatments are truly favorable in terms of alleviating or eliminating a specific disease. However, medications and treatments are not made for perfection. These contain unwanted side effects. Treatments for high blood pressure are among those treatments that contain side effects like causing dry mouth. Studies also show that burning mouth syndrome occur on patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments.
Acid Reflux Disorder – Dental problems like burning mouth syndrome are identified as among the effects of acid reflux disease. This is due to the stomach acids irritating the oral tissues.
Mouth Soreness – Oral health can deteriorate due to different factors like getting disturbed from bad irritants. Irritants leak due to bad oral habits like drinking acidic beverages and smoking. These drawbacks can cause burning mouth syndrome, according to research. Needless to say, bruxism and ill-fitted dentures are the other facets which can call off burning mouth syndrome.
Apart from the other factors mentioned above, allergies and nerve damages are also known to be as among the primary causes of burning mouth syndrome. BMS exists due to bad reactions of the food which can affect the patient’s mouth which may lead to further damages of the nerves. There are also theories that the person’s psychological aspect contributes burning mouth syndrome. This happens when a person is emotional or in deep anxiety and depression.
BMS is pretty difficult to diagnose. Great news is it could be managed with your dentist and physician. Most cases, you’ll undergo blood tests to determine the main source of your case. There are also prescribed medicines to control the infection until it completely recedes.
Burning mouth syndrome is something you must avoid, to avert this, see this source link.