Wearing an orthodontic retainer is very important especially for those who have dental braces. This means that you’re finally at the stage of completing your orthodontic treatment plan. Colored retainers on the other hand, are made available to spice up the average-look of an ordinary device.
Orthodontic retainers will be fitted for you once your dental braces come off. These retainers are very important since they’ll allow your teeth to stay in place while settling and accommodating your jawbone and soft tissues. Wearing this retainer may take some time that is why your dentist shall instruct you to wear it at all times. What makes the modern retainer great is that it can be personalized and be fitted according to your own style and preference. Great, isn’t it?
Options Abound
The most common retainer type today is the Hawley retainer; they are made from acrylic that contains wire which holds the teeth in place. Actually, acrylics can be made from traditional flesh tones or any creative designs you want. We fit many of these at our Orthodontist center in San Antonio Texas.
What kind of creative designs? There are different kinds and designs of retainers from glow in the dark styles up to neon and tropical ones. You can opt for any designs that contain decals and glitters. There are also funny and happy designs that you can choose from. Simply name it and you can have it for these designs are made personally for you. Just remember that your canvas is your quarter size.
Always bear in mind that these ecstatic colors and creative designs are only made for your own amusement and other people will only see nothing but metal wires holding your teeth in its proper place.
Make It Your Own
When making your own design of your retainer, usually, the decision lies to your dentist or orthodontist because the choices itself are limited. The designs normally depend on the dentist’s laboratory – some of them have tons of designs while a few of them don’t. With that said, it is very imperative to discuss such things first with your dentist in order to make sure that the type of retainer you’d like to have shall be meet.
Once everything’s set, your ordered design will be sent directly to the lab and will be made available in a week.
One more thing, colored retainers are somehow pricy compared to the standard ones. Their price rates normally depend on the customized designs itself.
Wear & Care
Wearing your retainer is what all that matters regardless of its designs and styles. Styling your retainer is quite simple and easy however taking care of it the greatest challenge. Always take care of your retainers; seek the guidance of your pediatric dentist and always ask him the steps on how to take care of your colored retainers.