Even though every single thing in this world has its own price, most individuals still find smiling as the priceless course of action. Smile mirrors countless meanings. Aside from presenting positivity, self-confidence and boosted career, excellent smile also means being health orally. Great smile presents a set of healthy and pearly-white teeth. And we all know that a tooth with a pleasant aesthetic means a mouth free from bad bacteria and oral problems.
Needless to say, dental problems are as easy as presenting smile. They are easy to get hold and extremely not difficult to acquire. In present times, millions of people are inflicted by dental problems. These are mainly caused by bad oral habits. Practices such as chewing tobacco, eating ice or crunchy foods endanger the oral health particularly the teeth. Obviously, our teeth are the strongest substance in the body. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean that they are not susceptible to danger or dental-related problems. When a tooth is overlooked or neglected, it invites countless oral problems. Visit dental offices in San Antonio to know more about this case.
One of the most frustrating dental problems today is the tooth discoloration. Indeed, smiling with a set of yellowish teeth is a bit awkward and embarrassing. On top of that, this can as well compromise your self-confidence, social life and growing career. Since tooth discoloration is massively growing, a lot people are pondering about the practices that can produce teeth stains.
Below are the following grounds of tooth discoloration:
Food and beverages – They say that you must eat what you love and love what you eat. But this doesn’t mean you allow your teeth get compromised. Goodies like candies, cake and sugar-rich foods are among the primary reasons why teeth are inflicted by stains. This is because it contains acids – a strong staining agent. Beverages like cola, coffee and tea are also strong grounds for tooth discoloration. Even though these drinks can provide goodness and satisfaction, they are still not a good practice in terms of maintaining white teeth.
Excessive smoking – Tobacco is not just dangerous to your entire health but also to your teeth. Aside from causing lung cancer, halitosis and periodontal disease, tobacco can also trigger teeth stains. This is due to its substances that produce stains. Studies show that chewing tobacco is a lot more perilous compared to smoking alone. Since chewing cigars or tobacco has direct contact to the teeth, chances of staining them are high.
Medical conditions – Tooth discoloration can be acquired in diseases. Most of these problems affect the tooth enamel or the teeth’s hard surface and the dentin. Dentin is basically a tooth part situated under the tooth enamel. Contrary, pregnant women and their unborn infants are also prone to tooth discoloration due to infections that affect their tooth enamel.
Medications – Prescribed drugs are used to mend health conditions. However, even these medicines provide their own unwanted side effects such as altering the color of the teeth. The most common medication which can cause tooth stain is the tetracycline. Tetracycline is an antibiotic that is applied to kids with acne and diarrhea. It is also used to fight bacterial infection. Studies also show that even chemotherapies can trigger tooth discoloration.
Dental Instruments – Indeed, taking the right dental treatments is the key to healthier teeth. Unfortunately, some dental instruments that are used to execute the treatment comprise threat to the teeth. Most of these belong to the restorative section. Dental materials such as amalgam promote tooth discoloration. Since amalgam is composed of mercury, tin and silver, this can greatly cause teeth stains.
Genetics and Age – What makes oral problems aggravating is that they are truly inevitable. Just like other dental problems, teeth stains can be obtained through genetics. In short, this problem is already connected to your blood line. Alternatively, this oral condition transpires as you age. As we get older, our tooth enamel becomes weary, allowing the dentin to show its yellowish color.
Lack of Proper Hygiene – This ground is actually the most evident source of teeth stains. When you forget brushing and flossing your teeth, it becomes susceptible to bacteria and irritants. These bacteria might be part of the staining agents which disturb the teeth and alter its color. Nonetheless, it is advised to keep proper oral regimen to avoid tooth discoloration. Avert practicing bad oral habits as it is part of the main sources of teeth stain.
Tooth discoloration is harmless. In most instances, they are only the result of insufficient dental care that is why it is very important to abide the correct dental hygiene regimen. In case you are affected by such dilemma, seek professional help right away. There are effective dental treatments that can eliminate stains. These are named as dental veneers, ultrasonic cleaning, teeth whitening and laser teeth whitening.
Be reminded that stains are manageable as long as you are responsible enough to handle your teeth. Be more cautious when it comes to your daily practices. Keep in mind that proper hygiene is always the gateway for much healthier teeth.