As we go through life, we get to relish two sets of teeth: baby teeth and permanent teeth. These both can be protected through good oral hygiene and dental care. This involves brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing once per day and seeing a dentist twice annually.
Of course, learning more about your teeth can also do the trick. This means knowing when a permanent tooth began and what to do to maintain them throughout your life.
Permanent teeth are seen at the age of six or seven. The first permanent teeth are molars. These teeth normally show up right behind the last baby teeth molars. All in all, you gain 32 permanent teeth. This includes eight premolars, four canine teeth or cuspids, twelve molars and eight incisors. Research shows,the majority of permanent teeth are seen during your adolescence, excluding wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth only appear during your late teen years.
Individuals who would like to learn about permanent teeth growth can consult a orthodontist specialists. Or you can see the detailed information below.
Central incisors appear on your upper and lower jaw. The upper central incisors normally become active between 7-8 years while the lower central incisors are between 6-7 years. Lateral incisors also grow out between 8-9 years. These lateral incisors are on the upper jaw. The lower lateral incisors, on the contrary, grow during 7-8 years of age. Cuspids or canines grow between 9-10 years. That’s on the lower area while the upper canines erupt between 11-12 years. The first and second premolars, contrary, grow between 10-12 years of age. And as for first molars, these are seen during their 6-7 years of age. This is dissimilar compared to the second molars as these grow out between 11-13 years of age. Since the third molars are the last teeth to come in, they are expected to appear during 17-21 years.
As expressed earlier, dental care is the key for wholesome dental health. Through brushing and dental flossing, your teeth become free from food particles and dental plaques, a sticky film of bacteria. Protecting your teeth can also be done through the utilization of dental sealants. This dental device is a plastic material that is applied to protect the premolars and molars chewing surfaces. Dental sealants act as a dental barrier. Aside from protecting your teeth from plaques and food debris, this also protects your enamel.
Before using any dental devices, individuals should look for the ADA Seal of Acceptance. This proves its efficiency and its credibleness to protect your teeth and gums. Always remember that your permanent teeth may deteriorate without proper care.
If you want to keep your permanent teeth healthy and strong nothing beats dental care. Brush and floss your teeth daily and visit your dentist frequently.