Whitening teeth with the help of your 24 hour dentist in San Antonio

With the help of you local 24 hour dentist in San Antonio you can now get your teeth whiter then ever! For more than 20 years, teeth whitening system never failed to bombard the entire society. Teeth whitening system is a method wherein plastic plates are used and applied to the patient’s mouth; this comes with the hydrogen peroxide or carbamide solution that is used by a patient not more than 7 to 15 days every night. However, this method usually takes a lot of time before getting great results. |In addition, these products come with different types and can be easily obtained in different stores and retail shops; most of these types are toothpastes, mouthwashes, chewing gums, whitening strips, plastic plates and the likes.

Even though these products are launched by various commercial vendors proficiently, this doesn’t imply its authenticity and reliability in giving the tooth enamel good results. It is because it contains a very low concentration of solution to whiten the teeth.}

In other words, you are obligated to confer first with your dentist so as to make sure the reliability of the products plus this can also help ensure that you are safeguarding the well-being of your enamel.

Basically, the hue of a bleaching has 3-5 shades which is essentially enough to whiten the teeth of the patients. Needless to say, the degrees of bleaching depend on how much chemical to react with the characteristics of each individual nail.

According to research, once the whitening is nearly 90 % stable over a period of more than 4 years. Only in cases where they have an extreme utilization of snuff, coffee or other food containing pigments can this be degraded to a lesser period of time.

The main question now is, how often do whitening is recommended if patients have a high consumption of snuff, coffee, wine or cola?

More often than not, patients use teeth whitening over a short period of time without having the thought of damaging its tooth enamel. In short, there are no contradictions involve to these patients. At times, there may be sensitivity to cold, hot or highly acidic during or after whitening treatment. During the first 24 hours of the treatment, you can notice the sudden disappearance of sensitivity which makes the procedure a bit easy to get controlled through the usage of an analgesic prescribed for us. Generally speaking, it is highly recommended not to eat very cold, hot, or very acidic pigments during the first 48 hours after the whitening treatment. In order to reduce discomfort and possible pigments are fixed to newly bleached teeth.

As a focal point, using the solution of hydrogen and carbamide peroxide with potassium nitrate is a must since it is scientifically shown to be the focus and not the laser or cold light which lowers the pitch of the teeth. Hence, to lower the possibility of sensitivity, it is of utmost important that such experts must know how to consider the best whitening treatment for their patients. Ultimately, to make the whitening treatment successful, it is imperative that one should make an in-depth evaluation in dentistry and orthodontics that uses different procedures to protect the enamel.

Gum Diseases: Types and Remedies

Gum Diseases: Types and Remedies

Maintaining a good and perfect smile is something that you need to take into account to avoid seeing and emergency dental surgeon in  San Antonio. With that, keeping your teeth is not enough since there’s also one part of the mouth area that you need to consider and that is the gum area. Gum or otherwise known as gingiva is a vital connective tissue that is consists of mucous membrane that swathes the jaw’s alveolar arches and surrounds the base area of the teeth. However, there comes a time where people neglect the importance of their gums which leads them from acquiring different kinds of oral diseases such as gum diseases. Gum diseases come with many forms and to learn more about these, better read the cited statements below and get to know their remedies.

Gum disease or also known as the periodontal syndrome is the inflammation of the infected gums. As a matter of fact, this disease is one of the leading causes of losing one’s teeth from ages 30 and above. Bacterial plaque is the common cause of the gum disease that is defined as the sticky, colorless substance that is found on the person’s teeth. Moreover, this also causes the gum to bleed and swell and can lead to mouth cancer. Gum diseases have two forms and these are:

  1. Gingivitis – it is the most typical and mildest type of gum disease and is triggered if one practices no oral hygiene.

  2. Periodontitis – is the second stage of gingivitis where it causes the separation of gums from the teeth due to the infection brought by bacterial plaque. Basically, this type of gum disease comes with four types:

  • Aggressive Periodontitis – it’s a gum problem where one experiences bone loss and gum tissue destruction. Nevertheless, this type of condition is usually acquired due to hereditary causes.

  • Chronic Periodontitis – this creates pockets between the teeth and gums and is considered as the most typical Periodontitis type.

  • Periodontitis by means of Systemic Diseases – this form of gum disease are usually brought by heart disease, diabetes and respiratory diseases. Often, this exhibits at an early age.

  • Necrotizing Periodontal Disease – this is the most lethal one wherein it can cause the immune system to malfunction. This disease type usually exists on HIV positive and for those who experience malnutrition and immunosuppression. The main cause of this is the death of the gum tissue, periodontal ligament as well as the alveolar bone.

Gum disease is not really the kind of thing that we want to encounter. Then again, this can be treated and reversed even though this might not give you an easy blow of recovery. According to research, one of the most effective treatments of gum disease is the Vitamin C or the antioxidant where it aids the connective fibers and the damaged bones caused by gum disease. Aside from that, tea tree oil gel is also considered as a very effective agent that fights back the severe chronic gingivitis; this can also help lessen the gum to bleed. In addition, cranberry juice can also help the gum to avoid the transpiration of plaque and avoids the bacteria to penetrate the teeth. Vitamin D is also an efficient way to avoid inflammatory effects and is also one easy way to adopt since sunlight is the most common source of Vitamin D.

Ultimately, it is also advised that you seek a dentist right away in case you noticed that your gum is already giving you issues. Moreover, better adhere to the aforementioned tips so as to avoid any gum issues in the long haul.

Some Treatments Used By Pediatric Dentists in San Antonio

Pediatric Dentists San AnotnioWhen a child reaches three, he must have sessions with his Pediatric Dentist in San Antonio who is responsible in giving all the information about the oral care that a child should make so as to have a good hygiene and good habits which is basically important to having a beautiful and healthy smile.

It is also worth noting that the Pediatric Dentist is in charge of making early detection of malformations and severe illness, which if detected early, can be treated properly to prevent future damage.

Areas they may examine include:

1 – Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

2 – Pit and Fissure Sealants

3 – Space Maintainers


1 – Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

There is unfortunately a special type of decay that can become very aggressive. This appears at an early age and  is called baby bottle tooth decay (caries childhood). It is produced by adding sugar or honey to baby’s bottle or pacifier, and it remains for a long time in the baby’s mouth (the worst time is at night). Also frequent consumption of fruit juices may cause severe tooth decay, especially if kept for long periods in the child’s mouth, as these products contain ingredients that promote tooth  decay.

2 – Pit and Fissure Sealants

The pits and fissures of newly erupted teeth are one of the main places that issues may occur. Their anatomy and narrowness make them particularly prone to the accumulation of plaque and food debris, making them areas of high risk.

Sealing of pits and fissures is a widespread prevention technique in Pediatric Dentistry. Changing retentive anatomical areas of the occlusal teeth, pits and fissures, by utilizing various techniques and materials, has been one of the main preventive measures used to fight cavities.

3 – Space Maintainers

Underneath each and every one of the teeth is a permanent tooth prepared to form and come up as a permanent tooth. If the tooth disappears for whatever reason early: decay or trauma, it is necessary to place a space maintainer. Space maintainers are used to prevent loss of arch length facilitating permanent tooth eruption. Premature loss of baby teeth is one of the most important causes of malocclusion and crowding of permanent teeth. This is all important for good oral health of your child.

Are you scared of a cosmetic dentist?

Are you scared of a dentist? If you have a DENTAL PHOBIA, all this words that we tackle about COSMETIC DENTIST can be a little spooky. But wait, you don’t have to worry cause you’re not alone, Many people afraid when they heard the word “DENTIST”. EvenI, at my age, when i heard that word it feel like i get the butterflies in my stomach. But now, thanks to the advancements of technology and modern dental care. We can now expect to receive more beautiful and natural good looking smile in a little as a few visits to the COSMETIC DENTIST.

COSMETIC DENTIST is totally different from REGULAR DENTIST. REGULAR DENTIST takes care of the health of our teeth and the upkeep while COSMETIC DENTIST deals with making teeth more good and healthy. They help to enhance the good look of a person. It also an art and science of creating a beautiful smile.

Choosing the right cosmetic dentist now a day can be quite frustrating. It’s not easy as walking in and asking, or “testing” out of a new dentist because of the related time and cost. So, most of the people have to rely on word of mouth or the recommendations from the family and friends.

It is the art of aesthetic materials and techniques work in order to achieve the best smile possible for single individuals. Their primary concerned is curing and eliminating pathological conditions in the mouth and replacing or restoring teeth with a variety of dental materials, like the new advances in porcelain veneers, teeth whitening and dental technology. But Most of the people preferred dental implants like tiny titanium implant; it posts a substitute root part of a missing tooth (or teeth). It is placed beneath the gum line in a minor surgical procedure and it is indistinguishable from the natural teeth. Dental implants can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth, or even all over the teeth, one implant is not necessary for every tooth because it can support itself or even a complete set of prosthetic teeth, andthe amazing thing about the dental implants is that they actually fuse to the jawbone that helps allowing the replacements teeth to last a lifetime.After all, you’ll be thrilled to bits if you could just get your teeth fixed. Like an ordinary or unpleasant smile can be changed into a great smile.

But before we have the great smile, COSMETIC DENTIST determine first, if the patients is capable in the application by analysing the smile of the candidate by means of SMILE ANALYSIS. It helps to recommend the best solutions and help make an informed choice of a right application. Although, either option may not be feasible in all situations but it may just be the right choice to make and change your smile for the better.

And lastly, just keep in mind that a COSMETIC DENTIST is still a DENTIST;they just give excellent choice for us patients who have lost a large amount of tooth structure due to decay, trauma or grinding habits that eroded the enamel. And it is you who will get the side of correcting any underlying disease or cavities at the same time as getting your teeth whitened. If your looking for a cosmetic or need a walk in dentist in San Antonio give us a call on (210) 853-0391 24/7.

How to Find a Cosmetic Dentist in San Antonio

How to Find a Cosmetic Dentist in San Antonio
We have almost 20 years of experience in Aesthetic Dentistry This article included the most important criteria when deciding to choose a Cosmetic Dentist . This information was adapted from an article by the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry
What is Cosmetic Dentistry ?
This is a function of General Dentistry and more. It features new dimension of art. We work with Functional and Aesthetic requirements according to the individual needs of each patient. Doing this requires special materials and may be expensive .
To achieve this the Cosmetic Dentist must take specialized courses in that area. Remember NOT all Cosmetic dentist claiming to be really is. In order to be a true Aesthetic Dentist you have toe be both an artist and a dentist .Their dedication and hard work , plus their creative ability as a Physician dedicated to oral health will decide who is the best.
Finding a qualified cosmetic dentist requires careful consideration . It is necessary for each individual patient do your own research.
With an increasing number of dentists offer cosmetic dentistry asking key questions is very important .Also, do research BEFORE undergoing rigorous treatment and possibly expensive delicate procedures .
Obtaining References for Aesthetic Dentists

It is important to do your homework and investigate the level of experience in Cosmetic Dentistry before establishing a consultation appointment . You can ask if the dentist is able to carry out full mouth reconstruction . You can also ask if the cosmetic dentist is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry , which requires frequent specialized courses to be passed .Here are some important questions to ask .
1. How long the dentist has been practicing Aesthetic Dentistry  ?
2 . Are the results shown in before and after photos of their patients to their liking ?
3 . Are the photos of actual patients that the dentist has treated you?
4 . How extensive is the practice of the dentist? Does he or she offer using imaging technology and computerized dental radiographs BEFORE giving you a diagnosis and above all sincere and honest in his explanations . ?
5 . Whay modern dental technologies (lasers , caries detection devices , color imaging intraoral radiographs Computaizadas , etc?
6 . What amenities are provided to patients through the practice – like headsets that offer soothing music, comfortable chairs , aromatherapist services to control anxiety?
7. Would you be able to spend quality time and dedication that you want and deserve such treatment as delicate and important to you ?
8 . You offered to spend time to study and analyze your case thoroughly BEFORE decide which is suitable for treatment meas YOUR particular case?
9  . And very important to the Dentist Is 100% dedicated to Aesthetic Dentistry and take courses in this area frequently to stay ahead ?
Consultations for cosmetic dentistry treatments typically involves the collection of records. Because these records are important for the development of a unique and precise cosmetic dental treatment plan that meets your needs , a significant amount of time may be needed for this purpose. This implies log collection , but not limited to :
* A complete intra oral examination and inspection of any existing dental work .
* Photos intra oral and extr aoral
* Computerized Digital Radiography (X-rays )
* Poster of your upper and lower teeth
Noting ALL parameters for the design of an attractive smile .
* Looking through smile design books that show a selection of photographs before and after different cosmetic dental procedures.
* Review of different sizes and shapes of teeth to obtain patterns and ideas.
* Discuss the current tooth color vs . desired colors
* The use of audiovisual materials , power point etc. .
Your inquiry may also include a meeting with a patient coordinator . His role of the patient in the cosmetic dentist’s office to help you with scheduling appointments and follow up care. analyze the types of Home Financing available or payment options available to help you in your cosmetic dentistry treatment . Usually dental insurance plans typically do not provide coverage for cosmetic treatment .

Call emergencydentistsanantoniotexas.com –(210) 853-0391 to find your cosmetic dentist today!