All individuals, regardless of age, sex and race, are advised to practice dental care. The method protects teeth from dental problems, like tooth loss. This epidemic is very common especially to kids and to postmenopausal women.
Postmenopausal women are those who stopped menstruating. Aside from experiencing biological changes and hormonal imbalances, this stage can cause havoc to the dental health. Tooth loss is one of them. This is proved by reliable resources where aside from being vulnerable from the risks of heart disease, majority of postmenopausal women usually suffer from tooth loss.
Similar with expectant moms, postmenopausal women are prone to dental illnesses. This is verified through an oral examination where 50% of women that age from 51 to 80 suffer from periodontal disease and tooth loss. Regardless of their bone density, experts found women at this age have higher risks to dental plaques. Dental plaques are known as sticky films that can cause a myriad of dental problems, including cavities and gum disease. Since plaques produce tooth eroding acids, it can also trigger cavities and tooth loss.
Due to the huge connection of postmenopausal women to tooth loss, our dentists in downtown San Antonio highly advised continuous application of dental care.
Therefore, postmenopausal women must brush their teeth twice a day using soft-bristled toothbrushes. Of course, have it paired with fluoride-rich toothpaste. The deed can fight any chances of dental problems, including tooth loss. Moreover, one must not forget the use of dental floss. The thin filaments of this device are used to eliminate food debris and dental plaques that are located at hard-to-reach areas.
Good dental care also involves healthy eating. Hence, always stick with fruits, veggies and foods that are high in whole grains. It’s also a plus to quit excessive smoking and alcohol drinking. This can keep the risks of gum disease and mouth cancer at bay. To complete the entire equation, visit a dentist at least twice annually. This can suffice your need to monitor your oral health.
Not only postmenopausal women are advised for dental care. You must remember that this preventive method is recommended to all, regardless of age and gender. By exercising dental care, expect a huge ‘no, no’ to any kinds of risks, including tooth loss.