Gum Diseases: Types and Remedies
Maintaining a good and perfect smile is something that you need to take into account to avoid seeing and emergency dental surgeon in San Antonio. With that, keeping your teeth is not enough since there’s also one part of the mouth area that you need to consider and that is the gum area. Gum or otherwise known as gingiva is a vital connective tissue that is consists of mucous membrane that swathes the jaw’s alveolar arches and surrounds the base area of the teeth. However, there comes a time where people neglect the importance of their gums which leads them from acquiring different kinds of oral diseases such as gum diseases. Gum diseases come with many forms and to learn more about these, better read the cited statements below and get to know their remedies.
Gum disease or also known as the periodontal syndrome is the inflammation of the infected gums. As a matter of fact, this disease is one of the leading causes of losing one’s teeth from ages 30 and above. Bacterial plaque is the common cause of the gum disease that is defined as the sticky, colorless substance that is found on the person’s teeth. Moreover, this also causes the gum to bleed and swell and can lead to mouth cancer. Gum diseases have two forms and these are:
Gingivitis – it is the most typical and mildest type of gum disease and is triggered if one practices no oral hygiene.
Periodontitis – is the second stage of gingivitis where it causes the separation of gums from the teeth due to the infection brought by bacterial plaque. Basically, this type of gum disease comes with four types:
Aggressive Periodontitis – it’s a gum problem where one experiences bone loss and gum tissue destruction. Nevertheless, this type of condition is usually acquired due to hereditary causes.
Chronic Periodontitis – this creates pockets between the teeth and gums and is considered as the most typical Periodontitis type.
Periodontitis by means of Systemic Diseases – this form of gum disease are usually brought by heart disease, diabetes and respiratory diseases. Often, this exhibits at an early age.
Necrotizing Periodontal Disease – this is the most lethal one wherein it can cause the immune system to malfunction. This disease type usually exists on HIV positive and for those who experience malnutrition and immunosuppression. The main cause of this is the death of the gum tissue, periodontal ligament as well as the alveolar bone.
Gum disease is not really the kind of thing that we want to encounter. Then again, this can be treated and reversed even though this might not give you an easy blow of recovery. According to research, one of the most effective treatments of gum disease is the Vitamin C or the antioxidant where it aids the connective fibers and the damaged bones caused by gum disease. Aside from that, tea tree oil gel is also considered as a very effective agent that fights back the severe chronic gingivitis; this can also help lessen the gum to bleed. In addition, cranberry juice can also help the gum to avoid the transpiration of plaque and avoids the bacteria to penetrate the teeth. Vitamin D is also an efficient way to avoid inflammatory effects and is also one easy way to adopt since sunlight is the most common source of Vitamin D.
Ultimately, it is also advised that you seek a dentist right away in case you noticed that your gum is already giving you issues. Moreover, better adhere to the aforementioned tips so as to avoid any gum issues in the long haul.