When a child reaches three, he must have sessions with his Pediatric Dentist in San Antonio who is responsible in giving all the information about the oral care that a child should make so as to have a good hygiene and good habits which is basically important to having a beautiful and healthy smile.
It is also worth noting that the Pediatric Dentist is in charge of making early detection of malformations and severe illness, which if detected early, can be treated properly to prevent future damage.
Areas they may examine include:
1 – Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
2 – Pit and Fissure Sealants
3 – Space Maintainers
1 – Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
There is unfortunately a special type of decay that can become very aggressive. This appears at an early age and is called baby bottle tooth decay (caries childhood). It is produced by adding sugar or honey to baby’s bottle or pacifier, and it remains for a long time in the baby’s mouth (the worst time is at night). Also frequent consumption of fruit juices may cause severe tooth decay, especially if kept for long periods in the child’s mouth, as these products contain ingredients that promote tooth decay.
2 – Pit and Fissure Sealants
The pits and fissures of newly erupted teeth are one of the main places that issues may occur. Their anatomy and narrowness make them particularly prone to the accumulation of plaque and food debris, making them areas of high risk.
Sealing of pits and fissures is a widespread prevention technique in Pediatric Dentistry. Changing retentive anatomical areas of the occlusal teeth, pits and fissures, by utilizing various techniques and materials, has been one of the main preventive measures used to fight cavities.
3 – Space Maintainers
Underneath each and every one of the teeth is a permanent tooth prepared to form and come up as a permanent tooth. If the tooth disappears for whatever reason early: decay or trauma, it is necessary to place a space maintainer. Space maintainers are used to prevent loss of arch length facilitating permanent tooth eruption. Premature loss of baby teeth is one of the most important causes of malocclusion and crowding of permanent teeth. This is all important for good oral health of your child.