Most of us believed that it’s fine to neglect oral health. This is due to the fact that most dental problems are treatable and easy to address. Since immemorial time, dentists are known to aid and help individuals with dental problems. Apparently, this depends on the seriousness of your dental problem. As per stated by dental experts, seniors are known to give small importance to their oral health. There is no doubt why majority of seniors suffer from oral problems. With this, seniors are advised to go to an emergency dental service such as ours for urgent needs
Periodontal disease is the most common dental problem experienced by seniors. Besides tooth loss, seniors reported to suffer from this condition the moment they stop performing oral hygiene. According to experts, periodontal disease transpires if a person doesn’t brush and floss his teeth. Normally, dental plaques form when teeth lack regular brushing and flossing. Dental plaques are sticky films. These substances form in the teeth and gums that can infect both gums and sulcus. Sulcus is the v-shaped crevice located at the lower part of the gum line.
As dental plaques continue to replicate and multiply, the sticky film full of bacteria may lead to hard deposits. These hard deposits are known as dental tartars. Dental tartars are not like plaques. They cannot be easily removed by toothbrush and can only be addressed through professional teeth cleaning.
If teeth are covered with dental tartars, the gums start to acquire an infection called gingivitis. Gingivitis is a mild form of periodontal disease.
Seniors with early signs of periodontal disease often experience swollen gums. Obviously, swollen gums make it pretty difficult for seniors to brush and floss their teeth. With this, the infection is given the chance to multiply and become severe. Other than swollen gums, bad breath is also a sign of gingivitis. If this condition left ignored, this may develop to next level – periodontitis. Periodontitis is a complex condition that destroys the tissue and bone that support teeth. This is amongst the grounds why seniors suffer from tooth loss.
One terrible fact about periodontal disease is it can be transmitted to your loved ones via saliva. With this fact alone, seniors are advised to find way on how to prevent gum disease.
If you think that gum disease is inevitable, you’re wrong! In fact, this is not an inevitable effect of aging. This can both affect teens and adults. As stated earlier, gum disease is an effect of excess level of plaques. If you happen to brush and floss irregularly, expect to have high levels of plaques. Other factors that cause periodontal disease involves excess smoking, drinking and dry mouth.
Although gum disease affects both young and old, you should remember that seniors are much exposed to this intricate condition. Therefore, consider an immediate visit when you experience some of its symptoms. Normally, dentists perform scaling and root planing procedures. This non-surgical treatment removes plaques and dental tartars while smoothing all the root surfaces.
Senior or not, don’t forget that dental care is vital. This helps you improve oral and overall health efficiently.